Monday, October 15, 2012

Jets 3-3 Record- Real or Fake?

Lets take a look at the teams the Jets have won against:
Buffalo Bills 3-3
Miami Dolphins 3-3
Indianapolis Colts 2-3

All these teams have in common is that they all SUCK. Any good to decent team in the NFL should win against these teams and Jets have. But is that everything the record says about the Jets? Lets look at who they have lost against:

Pittsburgh Steelers 2-3
San Francisco 49ners 4-2
Houston Texans 5-1

Barring the Steelers losing record, all the above teams are playoff caliber teams. How can the Jets call themselves good if they can't at least beat one of them?

It's because the Jets record is FAKE. What separates playoff teams from middle of the road to losing teams, is that they can actually win against a team that's better. They don't have to win every game but, it should be split. The Jets are not a playoff team, they will continue to win games they should win and lose games that should be close or games in which the Jets are outmatched.

The games they have left are against:

My prediction now:
 Patriots   L
Dolphins W
Seahawks L
Rams W
Patriots L
Cardinals up for grabs
Jaguars W
Titans W
Chargers L 
Bills W

So miracles depending, The Jets are looking at an 8-8 record, not enough by any standard to make the playoffs. Maybe they might be able to pull off wins against the Cardinals or Chargers just because they're prone to losing on their own but the star would have to allign for any hope of this Jets team making the playoffs.

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